JOVENES INMIGRANTES POR UN FUTURO MEJOR is a student organization that advocates for the passage of the DREAM Act and provides information on instate-tuition laws, financial aid, admissions, and scholarships for immigrant students.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

This weeks events 01/23-27/06

Hope that your academics are coming along as planned...

This weeks events include:

1st meeting 6:30pm Thursday, Jan. 26th, Rodeo Rm# 264

Tamales Sale PGH Breezeway 10a-2p 01/26/06
Volunteer or Bring Donations

Informational "March" Meeting Friday 01/27/06 7pm
Location TBA

See you then,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

too bad the Fire Marshall "shut-us down"!!!!!!!!!!!11

1:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

we still made some money though.... thos mofos.

8:20 PM


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