JOVENES INMIGRANTES POR UN FUTURO MEJOR is a student organization that advocates for the passage of the DREAM Act and provides information on instate-tuition laws, financial aid, admissions, and scholarships for immigrant students.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Incredible Guest Speaker

Originally uploaded by donajih_robles.
Fransisco "Pancho" Arguelles from Highlander Institute came to our last meeting with great information.

Pancho was at our last meeting to give us a mini-seminar on how to be effective organizers and gave us tips on progressive social change activism.

Highlander Institute sponsors educational programs and research into community problems, as well as a residential Workshop Center for social change organizations, like JIFM-UH.

For more information visit their

He was just inspirational, encouraging and most importantly gave us new knowledge!!

Thank You Pancho!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know... Pancho is the best. I forgive him for being a chilango:) Joke there Lilian and Jose and all the other chilangos in JIFM!

3:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it will begin at iglesia guadalupe and it goes from like 9 to 5: 10 miles and we'll do stops to talk briefly about issuees on each stop. We are going Tuesday (time provided later) to meet with one of the organizers. It's in the Southeast are that we are meeing him- his name is Eberto.

5:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Frank Mechielsen from Holland. I will visit Houston soon and I try to locate my good friend Pancho Arguelles. We worked together in Nicaragua in the 90's. Can you please give me his e-mail address or telephone. Thanks. My mail is

3:29 PM


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