JOVENES INMIGRANTES POR UN FUTURO MEJOR is a student organization that advocates for the passage of the DREAM Act and provides information on instate-tuition laws, financial aid, admissions, and scholarships for immigrant students.

Friday, December 02, 2005

T-shirt (Backside)

T-shirts for $12.00
Originally uploaded by donajih_robles.
Hi everyone, we really would like for everyone to purchase a t-shirt. We are also working on having the backside include a short "motto" in different languages.

For example:

Education is a Human Right
Education not Deportation
I have a right to an Education

or something of that sort, realting to the DREAM Act and Education....

post your suggestion!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Shirt looks really nice. Please save me a SMALL one.
GOOD JOB, guys!!!! ...on the Tamale sale too.

2:43 PM


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