JOVENES INMIGRANTES POR UN FUTURO MEJOR is a student organization that advocates for the passage of the DREAM Act and provides information on instate-tuition laws, financial aid, admissions, and scholarships for immigrant students.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Human Rights March

We started at Guadalupe Plaza at about 10:15am. The people were lined up when I got there.

They all wore a nice "Border Network for Human Rights" t-shit. They caried banners, American Flags, and high spirits to finish the 10-mile march.

The march consisted of 4 educational stops. One were JIFM was able to talk about the DREAM Act with true stories. There were lots of students supporting the cause.


The "caminates" were very enthusiastic, alive, chanting and expressing how they felt.

We then finsihed at a US federal Court, were the media was waiting for us. Those who wanted to speak did so. By this time it had drizzled, it was windy and it was getting colder.

The march ended at Tranquality Park with at Rally. It was a great experince and I know for a fact that everyone enjoyed it...

Thanks to all high school and college students who took their saturday and made it a meaningful one!!

Fight for Immigrant (Human) Rights!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a great march. Young people were everywhere. The drizzle and the cold got the best of me however, fever and a sore throat has been the result. Would not have done it any differently though.

12:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, thank you to all of those who came out Sat. to support the cause at the march. Y los que no fueron, de lo que se perdieron.
But overall, I had a great time at the march.

11:14 AM


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