JOVENES INMIGRANTES POR UN FUTURO MEJOR is a student organization that advocates for the passage of the DREAM Act and provides information on instate-tuition laws, financial aid, admissions, and scholarships for immigrant students.
Monday, November 07, 2005
This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.
1. go to, sign-in. 2. click on whatever picture you want to blog- that will immediately take you to a window that shows you immediately the picture you had previously selected in a somehow samler size 3. You then click above the picture where it says: "BLOG THIS"-That should then take you to another window where once again you are shown the picture and then a box space to write whatever you want to show on this blog. I already arranged it in a manner that such happens. 4. Write and write, and click post this on my blog. 5. You have successfully blogged, welcome!
Did u figure out how to post pictures directly fom the posing window rather than from flickr?
1:45 PM
I haven't tried it yet.
And I feel lost cause i dont know what posting window you are talking about.
Is it from our blog?
last night was a lol!!!!!!!!!!
but we got a lot out of it...
HPD helping us out with the MARCH..
I couldn't sleep last night just thinking about all the potential planning and sponsors of the event
I woke up late and got late to work!!! hahahahahahaha lol
10:55 AM
here is what u do:
1. go to, sign-in.
2. click on whatever picture you want to blog- that will immediately take you to a window that shows you immediately the picture you had previously selected in a somehow samler size
3. You then click above the picture where it says: "BLOG THIS"-That should then take you to another window where once again you are shown the picture and then a box space to write whatever you want to show on this blog. I already arranged it in a manner that such happens.
4. Write and write, and click post this on my blog.
5. You have successfully blogged, welcome!
1:16 PM
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