JOVENES INMIGRANTES POR UN FUTURO MEJOR is a student organization that advocates for the passage of the DREAM Act and provides information on instate-tuition laws, financial aid, admissions, and scholarships for immigrant students.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

"me" is Donajih, jejejeje

I didn't mention who "me" was in the previous post.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I relaxed, mas que nada, sola.

I ask that if anyone wants to help with the HISD board meeting research to not hesitate in calling me or e-mailing me at Hearing will be Dec 8th.

Also just a reminder that every officer has to locate a central place for the JIFM-UH Parent Committee 1st Meeting. Is anyone else taking the lead on this?
Becuse, I feel the topic was really not discussed Or should assume Mrs. Silva is going to take the lead?


Anyway I went to the "PULGA" today sunday, It had been awhile since I went to the on off of 59S. I was amazed of how many "raza" I saw. Maybe cause I wasen't expecting to see too many people. My sister and I walked around, got tiered, ate fresh cut fruit and heard DURANGENSE music at the "family" club they had inside, they had a live band, when i say "family" i mean it, little kids were dancing on the pista, looked really cute. This was a reallity check, about he existance of crowded "PULGAS"

Maybe we could go to the pulgas and pass out JIFM-UH information to the people.

Okay sleepy time for me,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i lke this. I can't believe i didn't think of it before... yeah, anyway... should definitely look into doing this on the weekends.

1:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

man i had lots of fun even though i was not showing it infront of my "fresa" sister

4:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great ideas, if you want announcemets about JIFM, doing them there will have a good impact in our people.

Post the date, I can't tell how old the messages are.

Roman Gonzalez
March 30 2006

1:19 PM


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